The Biosphere Reserve Brand
UNESCO prohibits the commercial use of its official brand and that of the MAB programme. The "Isole di Toscana" logos can only be used by the Tuscan Archipelago National Park, as the coordinator of recognition, for official communication purposes of the Biosphere Reserve and for initiatives and activities supported by the same, provided that they are non-profitmaking.
The "Isole di Toscana" Biosphere Reserve has its own brand.
Pending the definition of specific regulations, the brand of the "Isole di Toscana" Biosphere Reserve can be granted to any entity, public or private, who explicitly requests its use for purposes consistent with the aims of the Biosphere Reserve and the UNESCO MAB Programme. Any entity granted use of the brand will be required to follow the instructions provided for its correct use.

On the other hand, it is not forbidden to state on communication tools that a product, an activity or a service originates from or takes place within the “Isole di Toscana” Biosphere Reserve if this is true. For example, a tourist facility or food producer may state on their website or via social media channels that their business is carried out in the Biosphere Reserve.